Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Into The Unknown

There are a couple of holes in my running resume,one of which is a sub 17 minute 5k.
Actually there is one a 16.44 set way back in 1990,my best masters 5k time is 17.09 set 2 years ago,time to put that right.
5k has always been an awkward distance for me,as a road runner up to 06 I always found 5k too much of a sprint preferring 10k,10miles,half marathons,when I switched to track in fall 06 I thought 5,000m would be my distance b4 realizing that the 800m,1,500m,mile were my better distances,but w/ my mile speed I always believed I was capable of running a decent 5k on the road or 5,000m on the track providing I had time to prepare for it.......

The Masters 5k road race c'ships are coming up in Syracuse in 6 weeks time,time for me to get 6 weeks of 5x1,000m repeats under my belt in the hope I can at the very least return from Syracuse w/ a 16.59 5k,preferably a 16.43, a pr and masters record also.
I had no real idea what to expect this evening,in some some respects it was a trial run to get an idea what to expect over the coming weeks.

1,000m#1,1.12,1.25, would've been nice to keep that pace throughout but I knew that was wishful thinking.
1,000m#2,1.18,1.18,37-3.13.33.w/ hindsight this is the pace I needed tonite,something to ponder when I return next Friday.
1,000m#3,1.20,1.20,38-3.18.51.had I have gone in to today looking for 3.20.pace this would've been almost ideal.
1,000m#4,1.20,1.25,41-3.26.80,no bones about it I was feeling the pace now,the 1.20. to open surprised me,I thought I was running slower,mentally I had a let down on the second lap,ergo the session slowest 1.25. split,something to work on next week.
1,000m#5,1.21,1.23,34,-3.16.20.always good to finish strong,a combined time of 16.19.

I can fine tune things a little now,I really didn't know what to expect today,now that I know what to expect from myself,#2 would be a fine blueprint.
As the nation and the world mourns the loss of Senator Ted Kennedy and another chapter in Irish American gets written my memory of his legacy will be his role in the peace process in Northern Ireland,God bless Ted Kennedy.

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