Sunday, September 4, 2011

No Parking On The Dance Floor

Even though it's only the third week of 12 miles on a Sunday for a 50 mile week it's become a routine I've quickly adapted to.
Out by 10am for my out and back along the river making the turn at Columbia Bridge, as each of the last three weeks have passed by the 12 miler has gotten easier,granted I'm probably only running 8.5 pace but after a 15 week hiatus of anything remotely close to a 12 miler or 50 for the week it's been enjoyable return to the way things were.

On the inbound section of the run along Schuylkill two things struck me,a level of maturity that hopefully comes w/ age,I heard footsteps behind me and a much younger runner went by me,he glanced over his left shoulder to see if I was going to give chase and not so long ago I'd have welcomed a "pissing contest" but w/ 3.5 miles still left to run why get into it w/ this kid?sure if it was 3.5 laps to go of a 5,000m or 10,000m race on the track it'd be a different story but on a long run why worry about it.
The other thing I had to laugh at was playing the always entertaining"what if" game,what if I'd ran my 12 miler yesterday and had done my 3x2mile repeat today?this of course gave way to fits of laughter as I entertained the idea of "what if" I'd gotten lucky on Friday nite,would yesterday have been more about "getting my leg over" instead of knee lift and leg turnover!!!!!

On the subject of Friday for anyone curious on the title of today's entry the only rule of Sex Dwarf is "No Parking On The Dance Floor" as DJ Robert Drake said "if you want to text on your phone,do it at the bar,the dance floor is for dancing"
A full list of last Fridays "Land Of The Lost" and this Fridays "Sex Dwarf" can be found on Robert Drake's blog at under Playlists at the top.

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