Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Caution Is The Better Part Of Valour

 So only the one run to blog last week, another stunning reminder that no matter how willing I am to get out there and do what I have to do somedays things beyond my control just throw an industrial size spanner in the works, at my age controlling my bladder is a full time gig but at least I have some control over that, the weather, work and mass transit all conspired last week to feck me over, the week began well enough w/ a 9 miler on Monday but after that it just got away from me.......what's the old adage " time, money and women all slip through my fingers"..........

Mon April 15th While the masses had descended  on Boston for the marathon  I was happy enough to be out the door post work around 6pm to tackle a 9 mile run, out and back along Powelton Avenue and the start of Kelly Drive to just beyond Girard Avenue bridge

A balmy 80 degrees according to Peco Tower safe to say sleeveless and shorts was the attire and hopefully till mid October now when I'm tapering for Dublin I won't need my half zips and 3/4 length bottoms

Mercifully the Art Museum and Kelly Drive weren't as crowded this evening as Sunday afternoon so a little less weaving in and out....in running as is in life I prefer straight lines

1.16.19 off 8.29 mile and thankfully no repeat of the maniacal 1.16.03 off 8.27 pace I ran on Thursday where I effectively ran myself into the ground tonight felt a tad more under control

Like I said after that the week transpired to get away from me w/ the proverbial one thing and another, some days the running Gods smile on you.....somedays that say" it's not your day" however I will say had I not been erring on the side of caution maybe I could have gotten out there on a few of those days

On Monday while making my way up Powelton Avenue I was forced wide at he intersection of 34th and Powelton by some jobsworth who had tried unsuccessfully to cheat the red light and failed miserably instead of being able to go straight across the intersection I had to veer sharply to my right where not only there's a sizable dip down from the sidewalk to the road but it's uneven and I remember at the time when my right foot struck the ground thinking " that smarts" and probably thinking of a few unflattering comments towards "Mario Andretti" ......

Tuesday morning said right ankle/ achilles  were a little sore at first I thought maybe I'd slept on it wrong my second fear was my achilles was inflamed.......I missed a huge chunk of the 2009 season and my shot at the 800m and 1,500m  at Masters Worlds in Finland due to  tendinitis and it flared up again in 2013

Since my second go round w/ physical therapy I have made a point to stretch my achilles b4 ever run, again I'm at an age where " everything hurts" I also make sure to stretch so that my knees, hip and calves don't bother me so that I can keep running, there's a lot of miles on this frame and hopefully a few more yet to come so I leaned on the side of caution w/ my ankle/ achilles rather than grind away miles for the sake of padding my mileage I sat out a few days, Dublin is 27 weeks away and I'm sure the "Dog Days Of Summer" will have some say in my training the last thing I need is an injury period but also one that can be avoided when a more cautious approach would serve me better

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