Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Don't Panic!

 "Oh, all that I know there's nothing here to run from cause  yeah everybody here's got somebody to lean on"

Don't Panic-Coldplay

Out of July, into the Dog Days  of August, heatwave #4 another typical week for yours truly..... regrettably zero miles logged the heat and humidity just conspired against me, there was a small window of opportunity on Tuesday evening that maybe just maybe I could get out after work and try and run however mass transit had other ideas when I left work throwing an industrial size spanner in the works on that notion

Having gotten some miles in over the last six weeks it's possible an unscheduled week off wasn't the " be all and end all" for me I still have 12 weeks till Dublin and rosary beads gripped tightly it does look like the heat and humidity are about to ease up, according to the weather app on my phone after today Aug 6th the next 9 days till  Thursday Aug 15th are:75-75-83-84-85-83-85-85-86, granted there are still some days when the humidity is quite high but I'm hoping and praying for a minimum of one 12 miler this week, maybe two on Wednesday & Friday b4 a 14 miler on Sunday putting me back on schedule to be running 20 miles come the first weekend of September b4 the Philadelphia Distance Run on Sept 15th

I only logged 48 miles in July....hardly earthshattering however July tends to be a low mileage month due to the heat and humidity, last year in August I believe I logged 100 miles b4 103 in September so hopefully were seeing the back of triple digit weather and the return of triple digit mileage

I'm three weeks out from the annual Philly 10k in South Philly which I always consider the unofficial start to the Fall Road Race season, granted this years Fall Road Race season is a tad different w/ the Dublin Marathon on the schedule that however just means longer runs to prepare, if I was looking at my usual races; Philly 10k, PDR, Market St 5 Miler Penn Relays 5k, Bridge Run 10k, Rocky Run 5k/10Miler Rothman 8k and River Loop 8.4 Miler I'd still need to be out there logging runs  three four days/evenings a week this go round on the Merry Go Round I still require three to four runs....only they need to be longer

W/ the clock ticking Philly 10k three weeks, PDR six weeks, Dublin Marathon twelve weeks lets hope this phase of training goes well.....there's a lot riding on it........

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