Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August......Don't Let The Door Hit Ye In The Hole On The Way Out.......

 Seldom have I ever been so happy to see the back of a month as I was on Sunday morning when the calendar said September 1st, tis a far cry from my days as a young pup when August meant the end of summer holidays and the dreaded "Back To School".........

Sadly the feckin humidity scuppered  another week of training, I'm not nieve enough to think cos we're into September now that's it w/ the humidity{ this coming weekends plans to " go long" are in jeopardy already!} but I only managed a mile on Tuesday at 6pm as it was 87 degrees w/ 39% humidity, I felt I was breathing through syrup w/in the opening mile so called it quits off an 8.37.5 mile

Sadly the weekend didn't yeild any respite w/ the humidity although the heat was beginning to drop sadly  as it's been well documented in the blog this summer my issues are w/ the humidity and not the heat so that was the proverbial fork in that......like I can afford to be missing any runs right now  let alone the long runs on the weekend

So I think I misspoke last week when I said Dublin was ten weeks away...it was actually nine and now w/ this lost weekend it's eight.....the feckin sands of time are slowly getting away from me.....as of right now next weekend looks questionable for a long run as the humidity ramps back up so I'm reliant on midweek 12-14 mile runs to try and bridge the gap to 16-18-20 the final six weekends in September/October, as fickle as fate can be the weekend after next is PDR so no long run that Saturday b4 a half marathon on Sunday......can't win for losing at the moment can I???

In the back of my mind is the fact that in 1990 I only had 6 weeks to prep for the New York City marathon and back in 1985 I logged a 20 mile run the week b4 my marathon debut in Harrow it looks like I will have to rely on the glories of marathons past if Dublin is to come to fruition this year......

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