Thursday, January 31, 2008

A New Chapter In Not So Ancient Irish Millrose History

After yesterdays all important workout came todays as equally all important easy jog just to get any soreness out of my legs b4 tomorrow.
There was of course me being me a method to my madness in going to Franklin Field,aside from a friendlier surface to jog on there was also the now time honoured tradition of touching the plaques of Jumbo Elliot,Ronnie Delaney,Marcus O Sullivan and of course "The Chairman"Eamonn Coghlan for good luck b4 any major race/championship that I run in.
While it,s fair to say I probably have no business being on the track tomorrow evening given my recent stress fracture anyone who knows me will vouch for my lifelong admiration of Eamonn Coghlan,growing up I would watch his races on tv while keeping a scrapbook of all his press cuttings,inteviews pictures etc,NEVER in a million years did I think the day would come when I,d maybe not follow in his illustrious foot steps so much as be able to say I,d raced on the same hallowed boards of Madison Square Gardens at the prestigous Millrose Games where he won Seven Wanamaker Mile titles.
Two years ago I was the alternate runner on an alternate team that traveled to New York in the faint hope we,d crash the party,sadly we didn,t however we did at least get to run on the track,a dream come true for me but I left Manhatten that nite a little unforfilled,I still hadn,t raced at MSG,now some 28 hours away that dream is about to become a reality.
While my current physical condition doesn,t exactly scream ringing endorsement for any form of running right now the lure of a lifetimes dreams,hopes,desires and ambitions being answered is enough of a carrot to dangle in front of me to have spent a week running up and down my basement stairs from 30 mins to 55,ditto for the ab crunches on the abdominal ball and why I,ve been at the track Sun,Mon and Wed this week.
This is it,everything I,ve ever wanted as a runner just two train rides away,in the city that never sleeps my dream is about to come true
Slainte Mhath

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