I was disappointed my repeats were slow,but not surprised.
At the risk of realing off a laundry list of excuses the fact was I was feeling the effects of a late nite from Tuesday going up to NYC for the Icahn meet,throw in staying up late,well late for me on Thursday till 11pm to cop the Olympic Trials and then a late nite on Friday to catch Alice Cooper w/ Iron Maiden over at Camden it was no wonder my butt was dragging to begin w/,throw in it being day three of an excessive heat warning and you had all the ingrediants of a slow repeat session.
That said I gave it my best shot,I knew which ever way I cut my cloth I was going to come up short,in order to get another 40 mile week in I had to go long on Sunday(14 miles) so there was no switching days and going long Saturday b4 returning to the track on Sunday and ditching the long run meant falling shy of the magical 40 mpw barrier,sometimes you just have to face the barriers in front of you and deal w/ them as best as you can.
I'm realistic enough to know I can't belt each repeat out of the park but I also know the "sands of time are running low"{sly Iron Maiden lyrical reference to Rime of The Ancient Mariner!!!} on repeats b4 Nationals six more after this one and I need to squeeze every ounce out of each one so a subpar performance cuts against the grain.
Some would dare to utter that prehaps I should've NOT gone to the Iron Maiden show the day b4 my repeat.......BOLLOCKS!!!!! it's bad enough Philly/Camden was left off the last Maiden tour but the fact is in the past twenty years two bands have shaped my musical landscape like no other,The Cure and Iron Maiden,so yes I went to the gig at the risk of it effecting my repeats and hell no I don't regret it,there will be other repeats{next scheduled repeat is for Wed July 4th}it could be two,three years b4 the next Iron Maiden tour.....nuff said!
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