Mad props to Bradley Wiggins,Chris Froome,Marc Cavendish and the whole of Team Sky for their stunning Tour De France victory this weekend in Paris,somewhere former member of parliament Norman Tebbit must've been proud.......
In the early 80's when Britain suffered it's first major taste of unemployment,over 3 million peeps w/out work{just as I left high school too....gee thanks!!!}there were riots up and down the country,in an infamous speech Normo Tebbs got up in the houses of Parliament and said"when my grandfather couldn't find work back in the day,he didn't riot......he got on his bike and rode to the next village to look for work" from then on Norman Tebbit was forever known as Norman"On Your Bike"Tebbit!!!and of course long b4 then "on yer bike" was another way of telling folks to "sling their hook" or get lost and if you followed the tour you'll know Bradley Wiggins had no problem expressing himself,be it coating off people on Twitter or telling a over eager photographer to "see you next Tuesday".....I'm beeing cryptic there,let's just say the see began w/ a C......... Bradley Wiggins my new hero and a shoe in for Sports Personality Of The Year......and the London Olympics haven't gotten underway yet!!
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