Ok so I realize I could write whatever now in the text as probably NOBODY is actually reading the blog!!!!!!
Said "cutie" is University of California pole vaulter Allison Stokke who sadly no heighted at the Olympic trials and won't be in London for the upcoming Olympics......I know boo hiss right!!!
Add her to another "cutie" I recently discoverd Aussie 100M Hurdler Michelle Jenneke they would've made my Olympic track and field Top Ten cuties{google Michelle Jenneke and find her recent World Junior C'ships in Barcelona 100 Hurdle pre race routine.....and then take a cold shower.....trust me!!!}
Ok so when I wasn't trawling the internet for track and field honeys{I do it all for you dear readers.....trust me.....LMFAO!!!!}over the weekend I was busy running my fastest set of 6x600m repeats at St Joe's on Saturday and going semi long on Sunday to log 10 miles and finish the week at 30mpw.
As I said after the 5x1,000m on Wednesday at this stage of the game the hard work in training should've been put in so now it's time to go out and have fun w/ my final two 6x600m repeats and while I'm a little disappointed not to have held on to the early pace that had me on pace to go 6/6 at sub 1.45 pace it was a brisk workout and gives me another shot of confidence as I head to Lisle and Nationals in 9 days time.
The 10 miler on Sunday was gravy and come Sunday August 19th till September 16th will serve as my long run as I reestablish my 40mpw training.....then in October it gets real interesting in the off season but there'll be time to discuss that later it's still July.....plus I'm reasonably sure no one is reading a word of this.....!!!
Wrong buddy, I swing by your blogs on a regular basis, esp when I need motivation to run . And I must say I do like your choice of art (photos)
-- Cheers
-- Bruce
Cheers Bruce,
I've often said writing a blog is akin to being a late nite DJ......you're never sure anyone actually listens to you,that said my blog tracks where my blog gets viewed so I'm comfortable in the knowledge there are several of you out there who actally read my blog......or at least look at the pictures!!!!
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