W/ the clock ticking now on Nationals{just under four weeks to go} it's imperative to get the most out of each and every upcoming race and repeat session.
I arrived at St Joe's by 10.45am to a near deserted track....and w/ good reason,by days end the temps would max out at 100 degrees and frankly at almost 11am it was no picnic.
When I opened in 76 seconds for the first 400m I had visions of a repeat of last weeks repeats which weren't great.....but to use a cooking term the first pancake is just a trial run and I was hell bent on not allowing another repeat to get away from me today.....
It's been a while since I ran a repeat where I ran each repeat faster than the one b4 but it was that kind of morning and while not the heights I hit two weeks ago let's not gloss over the conditions or the fact I've had to hit the track the morning after a gig two weeks in a row.....but frankly if this was what I can do after three hours of listening to Coldplay I may have to load all my Coldplay cd's onto my ipod prior to a race/repeat session!!!
W/ the heat about to brake....not b4 time 11 freakin' days of 90 degree heat!!! it'll be interesting to see what I can do over 5x1,000m on Tuesday
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