Wednesday, February 4, 2015

At Sixes And Sevens

Well another week the weather in New York City has forced me to switch my schedule at the last minute.
Last Mondays snow put the kybosh on Thursdays scheduled Thursday Nite @ The Races which while disappointing wasn't the worst thing in the world as it A allowed me a chance to get two repeats in and B the meet was rescheduled for this Thursday........
Once again Philly escaped the latest round of bad weather on Monday......however New York City bore the brunt of snow which then turned to freezing rain,so much so that Mondays New Jersey Varsity meet got cancelled......only to be rescheduled for Thursday not only bumping the Thursday Nite @ The Races# 2 meet but judging from The Armory's schedule isn't being re rescheduled........#fuckinggreat

Not only do I have to re rewrite this weeks schedule{not the worst thing in the world if I'm honest} but I'm one less race ready for Indoor Nationals now,again not the worst thing in the world but I was looking forward to lowering my 1,000m pr,don't see that happening now.
So in the life Lemons/Lemonade general scheme of things I'm now looking at a second week of  two repeats,glass half empty I'm looking at  almost three weeks between races,glass half full when {fingers crossed} the Thursday Nite @ The Races #3 800m goes off on Feb 19th I should be faster and sharper w/ all these extra repeats under my belt.

Since there was no pressing need to get Mondays miles in as there was now no race to accomodate I sat out the slushly conditions,IF the 1,000m race had still been on my schedule I'd have sucked it up and dealt w/ it but since I now had some leeway w/ the schedule I opted to sit Monday out,and while Tuesday was colder it was drier.
Out the door by 4.22pm knowing Sunset was 5.21pm meant I could don my shades to combat the sun and still be home b4 dusk and be done in daylight.
Despite only being 30 degrees it didn't feel too bad out there,I ditched the heavy duty hoodie and waterproof bottoms and stayed warm throughout the 6 miler out and back to Lloyd Hall,the new version of this weeks schedule now reads 6,6,8 b4 the weekend,I toyed w/ making todays 6 a 7 miler and ditto for Thursday but since the plan is to hit the track post work for a crack at 8x800m repeats 6 felt better for yesterday and 8 will serve me better tomorrow to get any leftover lactic acid out of my legs after the repeats

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