"We're just some wild hearts chasin' something that could tear us apart"
Tear Us Apart Sam Barber
Not the week I had planned/hoped for but that's why my schedule gets written in Pencil.....
Tuesday Feb 18th
Remembering the old adage " listen to what your body is telling you" I made a game time decision not to run on Monday, both my knees were bothering me and having just gotten back into a routine of training on a regular daily weekly basis it would be foolhardy to risk missing a week or two by being gung ho so I sat Monday out.....that coupled w/ below freezing temps made it a no brainer to sit that one out
The temps hadn't gotten any warmer come Tuesday but I knew I had to get after it, I deliberately didn't look at the temps b4 leaving at 2pm, sometimes ignorance is bliss, "what you don't know won't hurt ye" the old expression goes so rather than fixate on how cold it was I chose to focus on getting the run in
37.07.3 off 9.17 mile pace, modest enough in below freezing temps w/ a strong headwind on the outbound 2 miles, mercifully it was at my back on the inbound 2 miles, splits:8.36-9.37-9.53-9.01 not earth shattering but I felt I used up so much energy fighting the wind on the way to Boathouse Row that I didn't have the reserves to drop the pace on the way back and down Ben Franklin Parkway
Wednesday Feb 19th
Still ber, still below freezing but a little quicker than yesterday, mercifully not as windy as yesterday which was reflected by my time 34.49.3 off 8.42 mile pace w/ splits of:8.05-9.07-9.16-8.20
Still early days but little by little I feel my strength and conditioning is returning and the time honoured Three S's Speed, Strength, Stamina are coming back, off the extended lay off I took at the end of last year and the beginning of this year I believed it would take a good four to six weeks to get back to where I was, I'm not there yet but I'm starting to see green shoots of a return, I'm not huffin' and puffin' like I was, yes I still slow/stop to take red lights but I noticed now I'm not waiting till they turn to green b4 starting up again, hopefully in another couple of weeks I'll be speeding up to beat green lights turning red
Thursday Feb 20th
Still below freezing, still windy but to quote the always quotable Monty Python "still I was getting used to it by now"......
Glass half empty slower than yesterday 35.12.4 off 8.48 mile pace, glass half full negative splits: 8.29-9.18-9.11-8.14 out in 17.47 back in 17.25 this lends considerable weight to yesterdays claim my S&C is returning , sadly this would be the highlight of my week.......
Sunday Feb 23rd
I had the option of trying to make up Mondays lost 4 miles on Saturday but didn't,
Another old adage from my former coach " you can't chase lost miles" last week I managed four 4 mile runs but blew my long run so I'd happily sacrifice one of my four milers this week for a long.....don't get it twisted as I channel my "inner Barbie" I want it all four four miles and the long run but I'm not quite there yet
Mercifully the below freezing temps from during the week were long gone mid 40s at 1pm and going up to the mid 50s this week, since that was the case I opted for the South St bridge, Schuylkill River Trail, Kelly Drive out and back route for my 10 miles.....and judging from the volume of other runners out there at lunchtime I wasn't the only one singing from that hymn sheet........
Based off of my 7 and 8 mile runs I was aiming for 9.35 mile pace so when I opened in 8.58 I was reasonably confident I was on pace, this was followed by a 9.19 b4 I hit the trail and then a 9.28, it was evident this was almost deja vu from two weeks ago on my 8 miler when each mile got progressively slower.....difference being that day I was confident of seeing it through to the very end....not so much today
9.44 at mile 4 just passed Lloyd Hall at the start of Boathouse Row followed by 9.54 at the turnaround for mile 5......I wasn't exactly brimming w/ confidence I was going to complete the inbound 5 miles.....CLUNK the all too familiar sound of the wheels coming off on a planned double digit long run, b4 reaching Lloyd Hall I had stopped to walk and after a brief breather tried to get going again.....once again the ghosts of long runs passed came back to haunt me and after rounding up to mile 6 in 9.49 I did the all too familiar " walk of shame" down Powelton Ave home
What truly gives me the gawkes is I've now lost back to back long runs the past two weekends, I only have 4 more on tap b4 the Love Run in 5 weeks time, there is little to no margin of error
57.13.1 off 9.32 mile pace but the nagging fear it's either mental or physical that I struggle w/ anything above double digit milage ....a concern w/ a half marathon on tap in 5 weeks not to mention one eye further down the road at another in September at PDR and a potential 40th anniversary marathon at the end of November..... hopefully today was just " one of those days" and I can correct things next Sunday w/ another crack at a 10 miler....at a time when Country music rules the roost I'd sure hate to have start singing the blues........