Thursday, October 10, 2024

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

 Another day, another mile, another boost to my confidence, another deposit into the Dublin Marathon bank

Out the door by 2pm, sunny and warm at 68 degrees as I made my way up the Ben Franklin Parkway to the Art Museum and Kelly Drive, based off the data Tuesdays 4 miler in 34.56.6 off 8.43 mile pace gave me I was looking at 5 miles in under 45.00 off 9.00 min mile pace

Either I learnt my lesson from  Tuesday where my opening mile of 8.26 had me " suckin' air" or I was being cautious w/ the extra mile today but I opened in 8.46, again the more important number was the miles not my speed and pace, 8.59 at mile 2 still sub 9 pace.

As is it's won't the Garmin went garrity on me and gave me a 7.36 split for mile 3...I knew that was bollix but I figured it was an 8.55 split after finishing and adding  the other four splits and looking at the finish a time when so many other things in my running aren't working the last thing In need is grief from my Garmin......that said I saw "2001 Space Odyssey" I know computers are evil bastards eh Hal???...

9.27 at mile 4 and again that could be off due to "Hal" being a little bollix, doing some quick math on the proverbial fly I had some time in the bank to stay below 45.00/9.00,however w/ lunchtime runs there's always the need to be back at my desk, toweled off and  a liberal supply of deoderant so as not to offend any of my co workers so I picked it up coming down the Parkway towards City Hall, 8.43 for the final mile,43.32.0 off 8.42 mile pace 1.28 inside 45.00,another good run in the books

Hopefully tomorrow I can get up to 6 miles, it's as far as I can go w/in the confinds of a lunch hour but it would be another building block in the restoration of my Dublin Marathon hopes and dreams, I'm gonna focus on getting 6 miles in first b4 I start to think about the prospect of a long, longer run on Saturday, hopefully getting back into the swing of running during the week will lend its self to getting up when the alarm goes off Saturday morning and taking my chances on a double digit run, I should have been doing this the last few weeks but the motivation just wasn't there, ye'd think the fear of not falling on my hole in Dublin would be motivation enough but when my running wasn't going to plan as I would expect it to, it was very easy not to "put myself out there" is as they say time to"piss or get off the pot", at a time when I should be tapering I'm desperate to log longer it to himself to zig when other runners zag........

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