Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sometimes Less Is More....

 So I took a day off on Tuesday, after the buffeting I took on Monday on already leg weary legs there didn't seem much point going at it again Tuesday just for the sake of tagging on more miles for the sake of it, as Kenny Rodgers said "gotta know when to hold em, gotta know when to fold em" 

The plan was a rest day then go at it again on fresh and rested legs, I opted for 5 miles more so because it was 2.10pm b4 I got out the door and I usually account for 45 mins for a 5 miler, I don't like to take liberties  w/ my time you factor in I need 10 mins b4 the run to get changed and stretched then another 10 mins post run to towel off and get back into work clothes there's 20 mins already tack on another 45 for the run I'm already over my hour so 5 it was today

I was confident my time would be quicker than Mondays  laboured 45.54.5 off 9.11 mile pace and logged a 8.46 opening mile heading up the Parkway towards the Art Museum, sunny but a bit brisker than last week, October is a funny month weather wise, I always say treat each nice day as it'll be the  last one because eventually it will be, I only have today and tomorrow this week to worry about it, by the time I resume lunchtime runs post Dublin it'll be Nov 4th and probably halfzip weather time.

8.52 at mile 2 it was noticeble the headwind along the Schuylkill was less obnoxious today, 9.07 at mile 3 unless the arse fell out of in the final 2 miles I was going to be sub 45...., small victories fellas...small victories..... to that end I picked up the pace heading back towards the Art Museum and the mad charge down the Parkway towards City Hall

8.49 at mile 4, 34.47 so even a 9 min mile was going to see me under the magic barrier but I wanted to finish strong I'm already planning for the Bridge Run 10k on Nov 3rd......8.31 for the final mile and a 43.48.9 finish off 8.46 mile pace

Slightly slower than last Wednedays 43.32.0 off 8.42 mile pace but I'm happy w/ the overall effort and time not to mention having the balls to get out there and run when it would be all too easy to pack the tent round up the doggies and piss on the camp fire, another one tomorrow b4 attempting a longer run on Sunday......

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