Friday, October 11, 2024

Keep On Truckin' Young Renegade

And there there were six.......miles in my legs and in my logbook....., the fact I had hoped to begin the week w/ six miles but settled for three but slowly worked my way up to it is a testimony to where I'm at right now, Dublin Marathon  aside I do need to prep for the remainder of the Fall Road Race season, Bridge Run 10k Nov 3rd, Italian Stallion Challenge 5k & 10m @ The Rocky Run Nov 9th Penn Relays 5k Nov 16th,Rothman 8k Nov 23rd and after two weeks off the season finale Schuylkill River Loop 8.4m so getting back up to 6 mile runs is good moving forwards the next several weeks

Out the front door at 2pm a mild 60 degrees but sunny as I made my way up the Ben Franklin Parkway towards the Art Museum and Kelly Drive, once again "Hal" the sadistic little bolllix of a Garmin posted a mile split way too early heading to the Art Museum  but I took it in stride, I'd shaken off the over riding feeling of being tired{ this was afterall my 4th  run in 4 days, not something I'd done since March 4th-7th} and feeling hungry, I can ill afford to miss any more training runs between now and the 22nd so all those negative feelings had to go on the back burner

8.40 at mile 2, the plan was sub 9s out and back for a sub 54 min time ,again the miles were more important than the time, that said I wasn't looking at a plod so maintaining a reasonable pace was key,8.54 at mile 3, 25.01, almost 2 minutes under the 27.00 target, as has been my wont this week I continued a little beyond the half way point b4 turning to rule out the potential of maybe having to loop around the 16th-17th street block of Market & Chestnut streets upon my return to work if "Hal" had fecked me, a 6 mile run is 6 miles NOT 5. some auld me I've " looped the loop" more than once to get 6.00 on the run on this route....and may well have to again b4 the start of March.....

9.06 at mile 4 I wasn't too concerned I was 6 seconds over given I had 1.59 " in the bank" to go sub 54.00, this was as good a point as any to get the legs and lungs on the same page thinking ahead to Saturdays long run, 9.21 at mile 5, my slowest split all week but to keep it in perspective my closing mile Monday over three miles was 9.21 and since then I'd managed to increase my daily run by a mile a day

Knowing I had a rest day tomorrow I was able to up the pace coming back down the Parkway.... I also knew at 54 mins give or take I needed to be back at my desk by 3pm  so I picked up the pace, 8.42 for the final mile 52.13.9 off 8.42 mile pace

I'm pleased to be back up to 6 mile runs but I'm not " givin' it the bigun" as far as the Bridge Run 10k and Rocky Run 5k Penn Relays 5k and Rothman 8k this is good prep but I need to remember that Saturdays long run and the Dublin Marathon are still out there to be tackled, to that end I hope getting back into the routine of daily running will motivate and inspire me to get up Saturday morning and go long, the last few weeks I haven't and that may well come back to bite me in the arse in Dublin

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