Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Start The Mixer!

 Like a foul oder ye just can't seem to get rid of yer man has returned to the blogaverse w/ more of his auld shite.......

So apologies for the lack of blogging since PDR....this was due in no small part to a lack of running by yours truly, to be fair I didn't plan on being on the sideline for three weeks but here I am, the days of running a half marathon and then going out the following day to " shake it out" seem to be from a bygone era and by midweek the desire and drive to get out there seemed to have escaped me, then factor in the end of Summer and the start of Fall and it being pitch black dark b4 7pm meant evening runs were now a flight of fantasy, I had planned to resume my lunchtime jaunts along the Schuylkill River Trail the first week of October.....however that felt like another week that got away from me......all the while the clock is ticking down to October 27th and the Dublin Marathon, tick tock, tick tock....

Ye would think the prospect of a marathon would be enough of an incentive to shake me from my malaise and get cracking, and yet therein lies the rub, it's fair to say I have struggled almost all year in training and in my races, and were this a normal Fall Road Race Season I'd have time to get my mileage up to where it needs to be for The Bridge Run 10k, Penn Relays 5k, Rocky Run 5k and 10 miles, Rothman 8k and Schuylkill Loop 8.4 miles, the prospect of 26.2 miles w/ the lack of miles under my belt is not one that fills me  a great deal of hope that this will be anything other than a dumpster fire.....that said I'm fully committed to going and giving it a lash, and in the immortal words of Noel Furlong '' Just Fuckin' Drive It"

I have 2.5 weeks to log what miles I can b4 flying to Dublin in the hope I can be if not in typical marathon shape, run a marathon....the over riding fear is a Dublin City Council workman behind me at the finish pushing a broom waiting for this gobshite to cross the finish line so he can go home long after everyone else had made it back to Merrion Square, hopefully the next two weeks at lunchtime I'm out getting miles in and on both weekends hopefully something resembling a long run, w/ the prospect of the day b4 flying home to Dublin one final long run, to that end I will do daily blog updates, if I have to be tortured and tormented then so should ye!

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