Thursday, October 29, 2009

Toto We're Not In Kansas Anymore!

Hard on the heels of one major anniversary two days ago comes another.
Today marks 22 years since I left home in South East London and moved to Philly.
It would be churlish of me to say it was a bad move,a lot of good and great things have stemmed from my move here just from my running alone but in life there's always that "what if" card to play,what if I'd stayed in South East London?what if I'd never met Erica and moved 3,500 miles to begin a new life?
Who's to say staying home would've been the right thing to do,it'd be nice to think that my life would've been like I dreamt it would be,the object of my desires back then Jean and I married w/ children,a nice home,flat screen tv, satellite tv, new car in the drive way,money in the bank and a family vacation every I said it's a nice dream but these days a more tangible dream seems to be of National C'ships and maybe even World C'ships,being an idyllic dreamer can be dangerous but as a wise man once said"don't tread on my dreams,my dreams are all I have"

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