Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Little Engine That Could

W/ my "dance card" pretty much filled for the upcoming weekend it's been omni important to get out there every afternoon his week,I came up short last week and would prefer a full 5/25 this week in order for me to kick it up a notch next week.
While there's still work to be done re feeling like a real runner at least I'm getting back to the realm of thinking like a real runner,it's been noticeable this week I'm focusing on what I'm doing rather than being on "auto pilot"looking to run the "blue line" on the course and save every second I can in order to get faster.
Last week w/ my conditioning being what it was it was no great surprise that any opportunity to stop or slow down was taken,crossing Chester Ave 5 times down 43rd St and  5 times up 45th St provided ample opportunity for that but yesterday saw me trying to stay in forward motion each time I came to Chester Ave....unless it was detramental to my general health and overall well being!!!

It's only a matter of time b4 the time honoured expression"I can piss faster than you drive" gets heard around Clark Park after 4pm during the week for those of you w/ sensitive ears who'd like to avoid such gutter language but like Chrissy Hynde sang in " Message Of Love" "We are all of us in the gutter,some of us are looking at the stars" and frankly I won't be happy till my star is back in full orbit!
Last week I could feel myself huffing and puffing after two loops but yesterday it wasn't till my fifth and final loop that I began to feel it,the slight incline up 45th St felt a little tougher,my legs felt like two rubber plants but throughout the run I was reminded of the classic Little Engine That could "I think I can,I think I can" as I continued to do my best Captain Scott on the Enterprise"I'm giving her all  she's got  Captain" over the final section of the run......

BOOYAH! 37 mins my fastest time to date his year including my three week stint back in early/mid January like I said it's getting there one run at a time.

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