Friday, December 24, 2010

Retro Run

The less said about work yesterday the better,I'll save all the unsavoury details for my diary but one plus of such a fucked up day was I was doing the Richard Gough....the off by 2.30pm.
Post chores I was in a rare position to hit the road by 3.45pm so I figured why not do the extended out and back along Cobbs Creek Parkway for a change.
I haven't done a 10 miler along there since 2 days after the clocks went back at the end of November and I hadn't ran along Cobbs Creek since Dec 4th so it felt good to revisit the sight of so much of this years training.

At a time when the sands of time are running low on this year I find myself looking back on this past season and ahead to next season,this time last year I had my head up my arse w/ training but after the"bitch slap that was heard around the world" at The Armory on Jan 7th I got my head,my heart,my soul and my butt in gear and can look back on a very successful 10 season,as is my tradition come New Years Eve my Top Ten Races of the year will get blogged,I've had some time to workout which 10 of the 32 are going on my list.

Yea a day off tomorrow,much needed after the madness of the last two at work,a trip to the track for another 10x400m is on tap and a few chores and that's it for me,Xmas Eve already,this year flew by didn't it?

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