Another easy 8 miler out and back along the river this afternoon/evening,I know this weather can't last forever but I'm making the most of the t shirt and shorts conditions b4 the inevitable long sleeve running shirt and 3/4 length bottoms get broken out.
I'm also trying to utilize the daylight while it lasts,if I can get home by 4.05pm and out the door by 4.15pm I can get most of the run in b4 losing the daylight,I realize as each day goes by I lose a tad more daylight{roll on Winter Solstice} and pretty soon it'd be dark b4 I even hit South Street bridge but I'm trying not to think about that for now.
Still trying to confirm my next race next weekend I had originally considered the Rothman 8k but baulked at the $45 entry fee.....b4 I won $250 at the Bridge Run,there was talk of going to Van Cortlandt Park to run the NYRRC 5K XC next Sunday but that was only if we could get a team of 5 together and only three of us were game but now the twice postponed USATF NJ 8K XC C'ships at Deer Park have been set for next Saturday,I ran there in 08 and loved the course so if Chuck decides to go I'll gladly hitch a ride.
I just got through reading back over your blog Kevin!
Holly Hell! You've come a long way in 6 months. Really fantastic to PB after such a long time. Although I always wished PB late in ones career were possible I've read a lot about how this is not supposed to happen!
Now I'm a believer!!
Really top news for you, couldn't be happier unless you went after and smashed you marathon PR too ;)
All the best this weekend.
if you'd have told me after only running a 4.54 mile on the track on June 3rd I run a 34.24.10k and smash a 27 year old pr at almost 48 I'd have laughed but the facts are there in black and white{not to mention a lot of green!!}
If there's a moral to this I guess it's that as long you have the determination and drive anything is possible
Not sure there's a marathon in my future....not just yet anyway,congrats on your Osaka performance
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