Friday, April 11, 2014

If The Cap Fits......

It doesn't take much to set me off,muchless "rage against the machine" but factor in two blown repeat sessions and well let's just say......."fire in the hole"!!!!!!
Following Mondays cautionary "sit this one out" mindset my week was already thrown off,given most weeks my preference is to take care of business over 8 miles first on Monday b4 tackling my first repeat of the week on Tuesday I didn't think that going repeat,8 miler,8 miler was the way to go period muchless test my questionable hamstring right off the bat w/ repeats so Tuesday was my easy 8 miler which went well enough for me to consider 4x1 mile repeats on Wednesday.......

Having made the trek all the way out to Roxborough imagine my disgust to find the track in use,I know "shit happens" but now by the time I got home it was gone 6pm,maybe I could've gone out on an impromptu 6 miler but I figured I was still "playing w/ house money" there was no need to panic just yet even though I'd used both my rest days by Wednesday.........
When Thursday rolled around I figured I had two options,schleep out to Roxborough again and hope foer the best but also know if I crapped out again I was potentially screwed for the week w/ 5/day 40mpw OR try Temple,at least if I drew a blank there I could still get home in time to knock out an 8 miler and stay on pace for a 40 mile week even if I'd now have to settle for a one repeat week.....

If you recall a few weeks back I got shut out of Temple on a Tuesday afternoon which is why I've been going all the way out to Roxborough so I was hopeful that was just a one such luck as I got to the perimiter of the track I noticed it was not only occupied but the gates were locked like they were the last time.....I guess Temple is "off limits" Tuesdays and Thursdays.....and quite probably Monday,Wednesday and Friday........
These are the weeks I wish I had an in over at La Salle collage which is w/in walking distance of the hospital,it'd be nice to be able to go over there once during the week for a repeat instead of the schleeping to Roxborough and or being shut out of Temple.

Home by 4.45pm,stretched and out the door for my 8 miler,I'll throw in a 6 miler tomorrow to keep me on pace for a 40 mile week w/ 4x1 mile repeats{hopefully} on Saturday and 12 miles on Sunday for a 5 day,40 mile week w/ only one repeat......I'm not Barbie,I guess I can't have everything right????

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