Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It Takes A Second

In an apartment in Times Square you can assemble them anywhere,held to ransom hell to pay a revolution everyday USSR,DDR,London,New York,Peking it's the puppets it's the puppets pulling the strings
Seconds U2

My second crack at the 4x400m/decathletes mile which while a 5th Avenue Mile workout may  stay in the rotation once I resume weekly/biweekly repeats in December once I return to preparing for both indoor and outdoor track.
Arrived at Geasey Field at 10.35am,once again it was close to deserted thanks to rain earlier which suited me as I prefer the track to myself period but more so w/ the 4x400m repeats where every second counts so it's better for me if I can hog the inside lane w/out having to weave across the track. and lose precious time.
Mile warm up and into the 2x150s........
Having opened in 23s last week this was an encouraging start,as a non sprinter I'm often surprized at my speed over the shorter distances.....but trust me when I say having found my niche as a 800m/1,500m runner I have NO plans on switching anytime soon!!!!

Following my  four minute recovery it was time for the 4x400m repeats
Wow! last week I opened w/ splits of
So clearly w/in a week there'd been improvement,how deep I can carry that improvement over the coming weeks as the countdown to 5th Avenue Mile continues{6 weeks and counting} remains to be seen.
Now for the fun part my decathletes mile off of only 4 mins recovery.....if this wasn't self inflicted I'd be in touch w/ the Court Of Human Rights in Strasbourg about crule and unusual treatment!!!!!

A four  second improvement on last weeks

Overall I had to be pleased,last week was about putting down a marker and from here on in it's about trying to get faster,today I can up trumps which is always pleasing it remains to be seen if the coming weeks will be as successful

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