Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy B,day Queen TC

As I sit here and look out the window at the grey skies, and the once majestic snow slowly turning to slush the word crap springs to mind,crap weather,crap conditions and in terms of a run this evening,I,ve crapped out.
It,s not all doom and gloom however,today,s a special day it,s"The Queen Of The Slipstream"s b,day,I won,t reveal her age as it,s some what of a sore point w/ her today,but I,d like to think I,ve convinced her there,s still a lot of life to be lived yet for her.
For me it,s another day to exercise extreme caution not just w/ the conditions underfoot but in general,making sure I don,t get sick 2 days b4 my return engagement at Madison Square Gardens for the 102nd Millrose Games,hope springs eternal that tomorrow I,ll be able to get out and run period even if it,s a slow jog.

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