Friday, September 2, 2011


It's been said by several people.....including myself that Tibetan monks have a more active social life than me so when the opportunity to go out and be socialable comes around I'm more than eager to latch a ride on that wagon.
The nite of the Berlin show at World Cafe Live back on Aug 7th introduced me to people like myself who love 80's music and in the words of Depeche Mode "Just Can't Get Enough" so I'm off to Fluid tonite for the regular first Friday of the month 80's nite Sex Dwarf(named after a Soft Cell tune of their debut album Non Stop Erotic Caberet)
If tonite is half as much fun as last Friday's Land Of The Lost was then I should be in for good time,however in the back of mind I know I still have to get up tomorrow morning and hit the track at Temple for 3x2 mile repeats.

I knocked about several ideas of how to effectively "have my cake and eat it too" in regards to going out tonite and getting my workout in tomorrow,I could not go to Sex Dwarf tonite....but frankly that's not an option,I could go and leave early.... but that's almost like not going,I could go stay till 2am and then switch my 3x2 mile repeats w/ Sundays 12 miler.....but do I really want to do repeats after a 12 run? or go stay till 2am get home by 3-3.30am and try to be up by 10am to hit the track by midday to knock out another set of 2 mile repeats?
I'm leaning towards the latter but if I'm "not feeling it tomorrow" whenever I surface then an easy 12 miler it is w/ repeats on Sunday.

These are seemingly big decisions to make but frankly if this is the biggest issue on my radar right now then I've got it good,and w/ that I'm off to prep for tonite and let my hair to speak........see you out on the dance floor!

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