Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Lesser Of Two Evils

The game plan was to hit the track Tuesday to conduct a 3x1,200m repeat session.........however mother nature had other ideas and I was faced w/ a choice of either attempt a track workout in the rain or ride it out for a day and see what Wednesdays weather would bring,granted it,d be colder and windier but it would be drier and since I feel I can ill afford to waste any track workouts I opted to burn my rest day early in the week in the hope it wouldn,t come back to haunt me.....................................
There were tell tale snow flakes falling as I made my way to Franklin Field but it was going to have to snow a darn sight harder than this to put me off,the plan was a couple of 150m to get some snap in my legs b4 3 1,200m repeats 1st lap 1.15,2nd lap 1.30,3rd lap 1.15,3 mins recovery and repeat twice.
Following my stretches and mile warm up I got ready for my 150s GP said anything between 25 seconds and 27 seconds was good,28.76 for my first,I,ll cop to being distracted charging down the straight by the snow flakes as they fell,what can I say it seemed some how poetic but I,m sure reading this GP will think of it as more pathetic than poetic,he may have a point,my second 150 was 24.95,no snow flakes to distract me this time!
It,s been a while since I,ve done 1,200m repeats,back then the formula was 4.05,4.05,3.50 w/ splits of 70,75,and 80 seconds,of course I wasn,t coming off of a 5 week lay off back then.1.19 for the opening lap 4 seconds off,1.31 for lap 2 but a disappointing 1.25 for the third,the writing was on the wall.
Repeat#2,1.24,1.35,1.24 I just didn,t feel my legs had any zing in them,by the time I compleated repeat#3 in 1.27,1.36,1.28 I was besides myself w/ anger,I can,t recall ever walking off of a track following a repeat session feeling this disconsolate,I knew the road back would be tough but this just flat out sucked.
I hope this is the turning point for me,w/ 5 weeks to go till Indoor Nationals I need to be making strides forward not treading water.

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