Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Funny Cos It's True

It's been a while since I bitched about work,much less had any work WTF stories but allow a slow day in training{6 miler}and very little to blog other than the realization that a phone call to my doctor to run some tests to see if there's a problem lurking"below the surface" is perhaps in order,I could've made the call today....had work not been so totally crushing!!!
It's been a while since I've had"one of those days"at work and as long as I've had to work through lunch,but to put my day into complete prespective my lunch never made it out of my back pack to the fridge.....that's how busy we were today!!

I can handle being busy,and the odd day that lunch goes by the way side however what fries my lillywhite irish arse is getting an email from the inventory controller asking the dock to"get in to the practice of bringing entire orders down to the storeroom when they come in"thanks to a stint in diplomacy 101 I was able to fire off a friendly email that stated Chris and I were "up to our arses in crocodiles busy" w/ deliveries but in future we'd notify him if a delivery came in that we could'n't bring down to him asap.....reading between the lines"oi we're @#$ing busy,you want it,come and get it" !!!!!

But it gets better,on July 1st we're four years into the Lawson system....the system that was"paperless"....ahem!Feb 1st the powers that be decided to alter the way deliveries are handled{we were notified that I sarcastically pointed out telling us the day b4 would've been a day late but that's this place for you!!!!}anywho there's been an issue w/ a delivery item to the storeroom from almost 2 weeks ago that nobody can locate,hence the packing slip being thrown back in my face w/ a "you didn't get a signature for this"memo attatched......really cos in the 12 years I've worked here nobody in the storeroom has signed for deliveries that came in via the loading quote someone else on this individual whos popularity ranks right up there w/ a fart in a phone box,you've got OCD and I have to agree,why are you scanning the packing slips from deliveries and then holding on to the packing slips for three months????......for a "paperless" system we have a 5 drawer filing cabinet bursting at the seems in the office.

Hopefully it was just one of those days and hopefully w/ a day off and a new approach to training runs for the next week or two I can get back to where I should be.

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