Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brass Monkeys & Muppets

I've always had to laugh at the expression "it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" but frankly there was very little to laugh about this afternoon on my 8 miler.
I should count my blessings that on a day that was below zero out there I was able to conduct my run an hour earlier than usual.

Thanks in no small part to some crap scheduling(seriously,in a three man department when one person has off why would you grant someone else a day off also??????)I had the prospect of having to do all the spade work on the dock today but rather than get pissy about it I turned it around to my advantage,I'd known for a few days that today was going to be below zero so I knew I had the chance to"have it away on my toes" at 2.30pm instead of 3.15pm and w/ that I was out running at 3.25pm and utilizing the fact that the sun was out,even if it was only 27 degrees.
Tomorrow is another sub zero day but I have the day off w/ Thursday's mile at The Armory on tap so no worries about freezing tomorrow.

As for the muppet comment,I'm sorry to say I work w/ a bunch of muppets,seriously if arseholes were aeroplanes the storeroom would be an airport they are so stupid it's beyond belief....Einstein by name,but not by nature!!!!

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