Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sitting This One Out

Following Sundays less than stellar finish to my 10 miler I opted to use my rest day Monday to give my legs the chance to regenerate for the week ahead.
One of the pluses of working off of a 5 day traing week is having a rest day during the week,orginally the plan for this week had been a 10 miler on Monday,8 miler on Tuesday,rest day Wednesday,8.4mile tempo run Thursday,rest day Friday,8 miler Saturday,5x1,000m Sunday......this however went out the window sometime Sunday lunchtime as I had to adopt a "grind em till you find em" mindset over the last three miles of my 10 miler.

There was no outwardly signs of a problem Monday,I have been sneezing on and off since Friday nite and maybe the dip in temprature at nite caught me off guard and I've caught a slight chill w/ all my windows wide open but rather than go through another "grind it out 10 miler" I elected to take a complete rest day,if there was an internal issue a days rest might be just what the doctor ordered rather than continuing to grind through it and potentially making things worse.
I'll tackle the 10 miler tonite,why the urge to get my "long run" in so early this week you ask period muchless in the lite of Sundays less than steller performance?
As a rule I like to go repeat/long run on the weekend and not vice versa for obvious reasons but this weekend threw up two obstacles in that plan,Friday is a clubbin' nite and frankly dancing till 3am does little for ones repeat times some eight hours later so I figured I'd switch to Sunday and if I was doing that did I want to run 10 miles b4 a repeat session muchless off a long nite on the dance floor? ergo the decision to switch the 10 miler w/ an 8 miler early in the week,I also didn't fancy the prospect of a tempo run on the back of a 10 miler hence the decision to get said 10 miler taken care of Monday or Tuesday......method madness resolved!

Also w/ the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in Philly this weekend Kelly Dr will be busting at the seems on Sunday and far better for me to be doing what I've got to do there on Saturday b4 heading to Temple's track on Sunday for my weekly repeats.
Another plus of sitting out any weekday is being able to enjoy the new Fox Sports One weekly talk show "Crowd Goes Wild' hosted by Regis Philbin it's panel includes the devine Ms Georgina "Georgie" Thompson pictured above.
Between 2001 and 2012 Georgie was a regular host on Britain's Sky Sports News which is where she came to my attention more often than not the 5pm hour was shown here at 12pm on the now defunct Fox Soccer Channel,the six weeks I was off work in early 08 w/ my stress fracture allowed me to watch the 12pm edition every Monday thro Friday......let me tell ya Georgie kept me warm many a January afternoon!!
She left Sky Sports News last year{much to every housewife and girlfriends delight I'm sure!!} to join Sky Sports F1 coverage of the Formula One season but w/in a year of that she left only to resurface here stateside on the new Fox Sports One daily talk show along Regis Philbin and adds beauty and brains to the daily sports related talk show,suddenly 5pm on a weekday just got a LOT more attractive don't you agree!!!

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