Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eight Is Enough

8 miler #4 in the books under grey skies this evening.
Sooner or later I knew fatigue was likely to set in,I had a 9 miler on Sunday b4 launching into a week of 8 milers and it came as no great surprise that I was feeling the effects this evening.
That said that was part of the plan,we can all be "world beaters" when everything is going well and "tickety boo" it's how we react to a little adversity,in my case fatigue.
The past two afternoons I've had a hard time keeping my eyes open in my office,I knew my late nite Saturday{2.20am}and up by 10.30am b4 staying up till 12am to watch The Oscars would probably catch up w/ me sooner or later,the"cheque was very much in the mail" this afternoon.

Having said all that I did what I had to do this afternoon,there was never a question of bagging the run,I had said all week this 45 mile week would be about running on tired legs today proved to be one of those days and I was able to dig deep,grit my teeth and grind it out,in fact half way through the inbound 4 miles I felt I was picking up the pace,over the past month as I've upped my mileage I've gotten stronger,that said upon returning home I lay down for a nap that lasted almost two hours,very unlike me,but clearly I was feeling beat.

The odds on me running tomorrow look good,Saturday on the other hand...I may well rue making it 8 milers not 9 milers,the plan was 5x8 milers b4 5x1,000m 45 miles for the week,if I get rained out Saturday I do have the option of Sunday,this however would throw off next weeks rotation but there I go again worrying about next weeks schedule when this weeks has some unfinished business,dialing it back a notch let me get through tomorrow first b4 tackling the weightier issues of this week and or next week.

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