Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sacrifice Or Sacrilege?....You Decide

No worries sleeping late this morning,the "furry alarm clock" aka my kitten Precious woke me up b4 9am w/ her mad half hour but it was a blessing in disguise,by getting up at a reasonable time I was able to get a jump start on the morning which also allowed me time to check the temps for 10am-12pm,according to Aol Weather it was 29 degs but frankly felt warmer once I got out there by my traditional time of 10.30am.

It takes a lot for me to miss a live Spurs game but frankly waiting till 1pm was asking a bit much so I committed the ultimate sin and missed the game......I didn't miss much it ended up 0.0 but while I was out circling the drives for my 16 miler to round out my week at 60 miles I was reminded of a Jumbo Elliot quote"eat at the same time each day,train at the same time each day,go to bed at the same time each day and god damn it go to the bathroom at the same time each day"and while some of the logistics of that are difficult to execute the mantra of training at the same time each day is one I try to adere to,but like all guidelines they are there to be tweaked when need be.

A lot more people out today than any of the previous Sundays,I don't want to use the term "fair weather runners" but in 10 of the last 12 Sundays I haven't seen as many runners out there as I did today,that said it helped me,too often I feel like I'm swimming against the tide and running towards other runners but today I actually had people to chase on West River Dr and Kelly Dr.
Another week in the record books now to prepare for next week and a rare indoor 5,000m at The Armory on Thursday.

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