Friday, September 5, 2008

The Best Laid Plans................

Ger!!!,in fairness it,s been a while since my training routine got scuppered,that didn,t make it any easier this evening when upon my arrival at Franklin Field I was greeted by the Track Closed sign due to some footbal game being played on the infield.
Had I,ve known ahead of time this was to be the case I,d have made alternate arrangements,however having been away from Franklin Field for a week this was news to me and I was forced to return home for an easy 5 miler around Clark Park instead.
Whilst rounding Clark Park and mumbling and grumbling to myself I had to remind myself that had tomorrows Battle Royale gone ahead the mile repeats would not have been an option and in the words of Coldplay"Everything,s Not Lost"there,s the option of mile repeats hopefully tomorrow or should the weather not cooperate Sunday and while either sinareo presents issues they are it has to be said small and not insumountable issues to deal w/.
Time and again I,ve said that in running as is in life you,ll be faced w/ adversity,it,s how you deal w/ it that counts,I,m hoping to rise early hit the track at Haverford and be done my 4x1 mile repeats b4 10am and b4 the rain, wish me luck

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