Monday, September 15, 2008


Boy if it isn,t one thing it,s another at Franklin Field,two Fridays ago I couldn,t access the track due to a JV football game,last Monday,dispite the fact the Penn athletes were done by 5.30pm the football team were being lead through their paces on the infield and the coach instructed it was a "closed practice"meaning no access to the track till 5.50pm....fine if the track was open till 7.30pm/8pm but when it,s closing at 7pm that,s barely enough time to get my stretches and workout and cool down in,tonite I arrived at Franklin Field at 5.30pm only to be informed the Lacrosse team were working out on the infield till 6.30pm,meaning I,d get half an hour to do my workout till 7pm..............yeah right!!!!
Rather than pout,be petulant,or just plain poed I came home dumped my bag and hit Clark Park for my 5 miler,I,d rather run something than nothing,granted it wasn,t the repeat workout I wanted but I can,t not run,short week or no short week I still need to be out there ergo the 5 miler.
It now remains to be seen how the rest of my week shakes out,do I attempt back to back repeat workouts tomorrow and Wednesday? or ditch one of them,personally I,m in favour of back to back repeats and then taking it easy for the rest of the week,we,ll see what ''Dibble" recomends if he,s recovering from his 105 fever,get well soon GP,this is the week I need my coach.

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