Friday, August 27, 2010

..............And That's Why I Wear The Bandanna

I'll spare you the gory details but this morning was a prime example of why I wear a keeps my devil horns hidden and hides the fact I have Welcome tattooed across my forehead.....evidently I must have cos several people w/in my department think they can walk all over me......

I loathe people who"piss in my ear and tell me it's rain" and frankly if people didn't talk shit I wouldn't tread in it and track it all over the hospital,"I'm going to stay till 9.30pm if I have to to get the skids put away so you'll have room to bring them down in the morning"....yeah right!
And my other favourite you want me to do the working and the thinking.....jesus christ.....and yet these same arseholes wonder why I won't join them for lunch or go to Phillies games w/ them.

Somehow I was able to dredge up a 59 minute 9 mile post work,mentally and physically I was beat but in the immortal words of Queen"The Show Must Go On"I'm damned if work is going to bollocks up my running,I just have to hope there's enough fuel left in the tank for mile repeats tomorrow b4 a well earned and well overdue fuck off day on Sunday

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