Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Angst Fueled Bravardo Wins The Day

I wasn't sure if I'd get to run today,rain was in the forecast and throughout the day it did rain,however when I left work it was overcast but dry so I figured what the frig,fortune favours the brave and headed off towards Girard Bridge along the Schuylkill Banks and West River Drive.
By the time I crossed South Street Bridge on the way home it began to rain oh so slightly w/ 2 and a 1/2 miles to go I wasn't too concerned,the important thing was I'd gotten the run in to stay on pace for another 75 mile week,providing the weather behaves for the rest of the week.

I needed today's run not just to stay on pace for the week but also to flush away the seething anger I felt first thing this morning at work,I'll spare you the gory details but if my diary ever gets published what I really think of the individual who threw me under the bus w/ my director via email will come to light and if that ever becomes a movie....it won't be PG 13....trust me!!!

Here's to no rain,no drama and another 10 miler tomorrow.

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