Monday, May 31, 2010

Where Were Your Legs When You Needed Them Most

As I mentioned on either Thursday or Friday Memorial Day weekend means a lot of things to a lot of people,for me it's about training,I don't take a day off from training just because it's a holiday,no I still get out there and do what needs to be done,even if it means two repeats in three days to accommodate Friday's 5,000m race.
The mercury was already climbing when I left for the track at Temple at 9.30am and by the time I got there at 10.30am the heat off the track reminded me of the old "walking on hot coals"adage.
Mile warm up and core strength stretches taken care of it was mile repeat time

#1 mile,1.18-1.21-1.18-70-5.07.1.An ok start,wasn't too thrilled about the 1.21 split creeping in there,there'd been no of them two weeks ago....
#2 mile,1.17-1.21-1.21-67-5.06.7.A faster split thanks to some hustle on my part w/ a 67 second closing lap but back to back 1.21s was not good,I was guilty of"going to sleep"on the third lap,something you can't do in a mile/1,500m race.
#3 mile 1.20-1.24-1.20-1.23-5.27.3.CLUNK the sound of the wheels falling off,I can kind of live w/ 1.20s...kind of but 1.24s,1.23s unacceptable.
#4 mile 1.20-1.21-1.22-68-5.11.4.A good comeback after the disappointment of a 5.27.3. mile previously but still not what I was hoping for coming into today.

I've always said I don't subscribe to the"you learn nothing from a defeat"mindset,what I learnt today was I don't have the legs for two repeats in three days,clearly it was hot out there but mile#3 revealed that what I could do on 43 and 44 year old legs is a bigger mountain to climb now on 46 year old legs.
That said,today was the lesser of two evils,I had the option of a 10 miler today and then either mile repeats or 1,000s tomorrow,however what I lost on the roundabout today I feel I'll gain on the swings Friday,by pushing myself to attempt two repeats in three days allows me an extra recovery day prior to Friday's 5,000m race so perhaps today was the lesser of two evils afterall.

In running as in life you have to be prepared to take a calculated gamble once in a while,today's gamble didn't pan out how I would've liked but you win some you lose some,who's to say my next calculated gamble won't pay off?
Falling short of my own expectations always feels like a smack in the teeth,rest assured my next set of mile repeats have already been circled in red on my callender,fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice,shame on me.

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